武当山的90后美国道长 A Post-90s American Taoist Sorcerer in Wudang Mountain
90后美国人杰克,是武当「三丰派」第十六代传人,定居湖北武当山已有十多年,当地人亲切称他为「杰克道长」。 杰克20岁习武,是个地地道道的中国通,日常爱穿道袍、盘「道士头」,笑称自己「发际缐已经有些危险」。看上去仙风道骨,也爱喝茶、养生,有时背着剑、洞箫、拂尘,穿行在武当山密林之间,吹箫、打坐、练武,俨然一个侠客。Jack, a post-90s American, is the 16th-generation inheritor of the Sanfeng School in Wudang Mountain. He has been living in the mountain for over a decade. Local people call him Sorcerer Jack. Starting martial art practicing at 20, he now truly knows China very well. He often appears in Taoist costume and with Taoist hairstyle. He also likes joking about his hairline which gradually moves back. He sometimes walks through the forests with a sword or a bamboo flute, or a horsetail whisk, practicing or meditating, just like an ancient Chinese chivalrous expert.*打开CC字幕,观看体验更佳哦!*Don‘t forget to turn on CC/Subtitles!喜欢这则影片,就点个赞👍吧!不要忘记留言告诉我们!If you like this video, please click on 👍 and don't forget to leave your comment!-------------------------------------------------------------------【一条Yit】影片,每日更新!Daily original short videos,That tell touching stories.喜欢这则影片,一定要订阅我的频道哦!Subscribe to our YouTube channel here👇!一条Yit | https://www.youtube.com/一条Yit?sub_confirmation=1请记得开启YouTube🔔通知!Turn on the little bell🔔 for notification and be the first one to watch our videos!-------------------------------------------------------------------🎥其他精彩回顾 Watch More:▸ 90后在脑中植入机器,一打开就快乐了 A Post-90s Man Implants a BCI in the Brain to Treat Depression▸ 90后设计师夫妻的家,用200棵树做围墙 The Home of a Post-90s Designer Couple, Walled by 200 Treeshttps://youtu.be/CF6f0M2zfNQ▸ 90后女孩花6年復原老祖宗手艺:00后觉得超酷!No marriage, no social networking,Post-90s girl makes beautiful porcelainhttps://youtu.be/G6QH-uXQaiY-------------------------------------------------------------------🎥本月精彩推荐 Best of this month:▸【TOP1】萧敬腾的8层单身豪宅 Singer Jam Hsiao’s 8-Storey Mansionhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3d9-pMUXHg▸【TOP2】他在香港市中心建楼,24层堆满艺术品,全亚洲独一无二 He set up a building, with 24 floors filled with artworkshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jn3PP2TVL2o▸【TOP3】他在苏州古城,造450㎡节能大宅:40℃也不用开空调 He Builds a 450-m2 Engergy-saving House in the Old City of Suzhouhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHrO6Fac1dQ▸【TOP4】一代乐坛才女的传奇人生:花十馀年,收藏千件宝贝 A Collector Owning A Thousand Art Workshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgQ_0z_4TzQ▸【TOP5】北漂23年,他回广西老家包下一个山头,每年隐居6个月 After Working in Beijing for 23 Years, a Painter Returns to Hometownhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPIROhTKudE----------------------------------------------------------🔗「这里也可以找到我们」Follow us on:Facebook: https://facebook.com/scmpWebsite: https://www.yit.com#一条#一条#Yit
Ghostjacker13 14/11/2023
So Now the fun is over, where do words begin? I'm trying to find the path ahead ❤️