'Disgusting' man caught doing something strange in kids' pool
The Mirror - World News·2025-02-07 01:02
A man has been blasted by angryparents after he was filmed doing something very unusual in a children’s pool.
In the bizarre footage circulated online, the man in grey camo swimming shorts is seen bending over and scrubbing himself with soap in a shallow pool, while kids play together just a few feet away. Then - to the horror of onlookers - he begins cleaning his bottom in full view of everyone else More than a million people have now seen the clip after it was being shared on Facebook this week, with many of them branding his behaviour around children "disgusting".
……Read full article on The Mirror - World News
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Usere33e 08/02/2025
From where India ?
johnnydeep 08/02/2025
baby shower
Userlocr 07/02/2025
He must be a tribesman escaped ftom the jungle.
silver foxy 07/02/2025
Bring him to SG... Gov loves it...
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Blund 09/02/2025
哈哈 Parents shouldn’t be filming, stop him immediately