'We need to beat this guy': biden after debating trump

'We need to beat this guy': biden after debating trump

Yahoo - World·2024-06-28 17:01

STORY: ::June 27, 2024

::Biden says 'we need to beat this guy'

while dropping into post-debate event

::Atlanta, Georgia

“Look, folks, what's going to happen over the next couple of days is they're going to be, they're going to be out there fact checking, all the things he said. I can't think of one thing he said that was true. Oh, I'm not being facetious. But look, we're going to beat this guy. We need to beat this guy. And I need you in order to beat him. You're the people I'm running for. (Audience chanting: “We need you”) He says he's going to be the retribution for his supporters. You are the reason why America is as good as we are. We're the finest nation in the whole damn world. Nobody’s close. Let's keep going."

Biden told the audience that Trump had lied throughout the debate, and that fact checkers would bear that out in the coming days.

Earlier, in the first presidential debate of the 2024 race, the two men traded barbs on abortion, immigration, the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, their handling of the economy and even their golf games as they each sought to shake up what opinion polls show has been a virtually tied race for months.


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