12 Fun Facts About Chinese New Year Every Parent Should Share With Their Kids
theAsianparent - Lifestyle·2023-01-19 17:03
Counting the days until the lunar new year? Here are some interesting Chinese New Year fun facts you can exchange with your family.
It is that time of year again! The malls are all playing Chinese New Year (CNY) music and you know you can’t escape the CNY decorations! It’s also the time to start shopping for new clothes for the family. Start spring cleaning. Get all your cookies and snacks and auspicious foods in your pantry. Have you already started getting your reunion dinner plans ready?
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Lucky Star 5555 幸运星 21/01/2023
Good afternoon and happy Saturday! Thanks for sharing this information with us! 祝大家万事如意!
Ah Keng 20/01/2023
下午好🌞good afternoon and have a nice day [GRIN]
banban 20/01/2023
Firecrackers are set off to celebrate the New Year and also to scare away monsters. Legend has it that the people of old were terrorised by a dragon called Nian, who could only be frightened off by loud noises and the colour red
Roominyourheart 19/01/2023
Thank you for sharing! Wishes all a happy and prosperous CNY.
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SkyRiVer 22/01/2023
OK, will do that.