13 Actors Who You Forgot Have Impressive Singing Careers Too

13 Actors Who You Forgot Have Impressive Singing Careers Too

She Knows-Entertainment·2021-02-07 05:00

In the golden days of American cinema, actors were expected to be masters of their crafts — catch that?  Not craft, but crafts. If they harbored dreams of seeing their name in lights, then they had better be prepared to act, dance, and sing for their supper. Nowadays, things have definitely changed, and we don’t expect our actors to be delivering Grammy-winning performances or our singers to be dipping their toes in the dramatic — which makes it all the more impressive when they do. From Scarlett Johansson to Robert Downey Jr., we’d forgotten these stars had singing talent to match their acting skills, and it’s a blast from the past to revisit their musical stylings. 


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