13 salicylic acid face washes your acne-prone skin will thank you for

13 salicylic acid face washes your acne-prone skin will thank you for

Lifestyle Asia - Gear·2022-06-27 10:00

Maintaining the health of acne-prone and oily skin is no childs play. It is a full-time job with your skin asking for constant care and attentive indulgence in beauty products to avoid worsening its condition. However, like theres always a solution for everything in life, theres also one for all your oily skin and acne concerns salicylic acid.A chemical exfoliant beta-hydroxy acid (BHA), salicylic acid is derived from the bark of willow trees. It is an oil-soluble natural ingredient thats a great exfoliator and is considered to be a game changer for people with acne and related oily-skin issues. It is commonly used topically in the form of over-the-counter skincare products (approved up to two percent by the FDA) and can be incorporated into your skincare routine in the form of a face serum, peeling solutions, toners and face masks, among others.However, one of the best and safest ways to harness the benefits of this BHA is by using a salicylic acid-based face wash, especially if you are a beginner. It not only ensures a shorter skin contact (when compared to toners and serums) but while cleansing your face, youd be literally rinsing off the dead skin cells, which is an added advantage. But before finding out more about some of the best salicylic acid face washes, lets understand why it is an important item among your skin care products.Benefits of using salicylic acid face washSalicylic acid works by penetrating deep into your pores and cleaning them of impurities, excess oil and acne-causing bacteria. This not only regulates oil production but also reduces active acne and helps in preventing future breakouts.It also exfoliates the skin by sloughing off the dead skin cells, which in turn lends you an even-toned complexion and texture. This also means reduced dark spots, blemishes and acne scars.Furthermore, salicylic acid is also an anti-inflammatory that alleviates acne-induced redness and calms your itchy and irritated skin.Your guide to finding the best salicylic acid face wash for your skin(Main Image Courtesy: Miriam Alonso/Pexels ; Featured Image Courtesy: Caudalie)Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)Question: Is salicylic acid good for acne?Answer: Yes, salicylic acid greatly helps in reducing acne and preventing further breakouts. As an exfoliator, it also unclogs pores and sloughs off dead skin cells, keeping your skin clean. Using a salicylic acid face wash makes for a crucial first step that youd want to take to treat your acne.Question: Is salicylic acid good for oily skin?Answer: Salicylic acid makes for a key ingredient in skincare products meant for oily skin. Some of the most common concerns of oily skin are excess sebum, clogged pores and acne. And this BHA helps in managing such issues by exfoliating deeply and regulating the production of oil.Question: Does salicylic acid brighten skin?Answer: Salicylic acid is not a lightning agent but an exfoliating one. However, owing to its exfoliating properties, it enhances the radiance of the skin while removing dead skin cells and promoting cell turnover. This leads to reduced hyperpigmentation, which gives you a more even and brighter complexion.Question: Does salicylic acid remove dark spots?Answer: Yes, salicylic acid helps in reducing dark spots, acne marks and blemishes.Question: Can I use salicylic acid daily?Answer: While you should introduce salicylic acid gradually into your skincare routine (starting two to three times a week), you can use a salicylic acid face wash that has a low percentage of the ingredient twice daily.Question: Are there any side effects of using salicylic acid?Answer: Salicylic acid is considered safe overall. However, when not used in moderation it can cause skin stinging, irritation, itching and peeling skin, especially when starting its use. You should always consult your dermatologist before trying out any new skin care ingredient or do a patch test to check how your skin reacts to it. Also, when using salicylic acid, avoid using retinol-based skincare products along with it.


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