21 Gang yp members creates vid collage to show loyalty to di yit tiong
Singapore Uncensored·2020-11-22 17:02
non Finance, non loan, non property, non banking, non credit card
Source: bengzofsg
A video collage was recently uploaded on the Instagram page bengzofsg which shows YP gang members from the 21 gang in a photo collage.
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Singapore Gangster News
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fisherman 26/11/2020
I very scared cos yr face look like hamster n not gangster.
Userehe0 25/11/2020
real beng is can ownself find job and earn money to feed family.. if you cant do that you not beng
Ken Ong6664 24/11/2020
fuqaimi 23/11/2020
our young is getting weaker physically & not exposed to the elements.this is what u get when u build flats everywhere reaping of land everywhere. kids getting bored & end up doing such things.our gov must not overlook this & start to make our young do sports like the 80s & before!!!!
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ERIC CHONG 26/11/2020