7 dementia red flags that could show during Christmas meet-ups
The Mirror - UK News·2024-11-18 17:04
The festive season often brings families together, offering a chance to bond and create new moments to cherish. Still, one specialist has warned against turning a blind eye to significant dementia red flags just to maintain holiday cheer.
John Ramsay, the founder behind Social-Ability, identified 7 signs that become especially pronounced during the Christmas festivities, drawing from his experience with his own father who struggled with dementia. Starting with memory lapses, he recalled: "Looking back on having lived with my father, who was diagnosed with dementia when I was 12, one of the elements that now stands out is how he would often forget what had just happened, relying on us to tell him what to do next. If you haven’t seen a loved one in a while and they have forgotten how to do daily tasks then this might be a sign of dementia."
……Read full article on The Mirror - UK News
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