77 Junior Students Forced to Eat Human Poop As “Punishment” By Their School Seniors
WORLD OF BUZZ - Viral·2020-02-26 18:58
This is just horrible and disgusting! 77 students at a seminary junior high school in Maumere, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia were reportedly forced to eat human faeces by two senior students last week Wednesday (Feb 19th) as “punishment”. Kompas reported that the group of students had returned to the dormitory for an afternoon rest after lunch.
……Read full article on WORLD OF BUZZ - Viral
School Odd news International
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Drake Tan 01/03/2020
A group of 77 Students can not flight off 2 seniors??? WTF
SalSa 01/03/2020
God gave them brains but they don't use them. Deserving!
Praise God 28/02/2020
The seniors are the bloody idiot to suggest such a punishment.WTF !
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Wang yau sen 01/03/2020
why further your study and waste your parents money.