A Look At K-Pop Girl Group Fashion Through The Years
Clozette·2020-09-10 20:00
K-pop's impact on the world is undeniable. It changed the international music scene, breaking down language and cultural barriers with their high-octane productions. Aside from that, as it made South Korean pop culture accessible to all, the phenomenon also impacted the way we see and wear fashion today. While their boy groups greatly transformed our perspectives on menswear and male beauty, their girl groups left their own mark and set new trends too. What they wore on-stage, in their music videos, on awards shows' red carpets, and as they sat on the front row of the biggest fashion events inspired us to play around with different styles throughout the years. So ahead, let's take a look at K-pop's fashion history and see how the girl group looks evolved in the decades that the genre flourished.
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