All beaches in Sentosa kena oil spill after spill near pasir panjang
Singapore Uncensored·2024-06-15 19:11
A devastating oil spill has spread to all three beaches in Sentosa, Singapore, following a collision between two ships near Pasir Panjang Terminal. The Sentosa Development Corporation (SDC) confirmed the incident, which occurred on June 14, and has since halted all beach activities in the affected areas.
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Jean Lim 17/06/2024
谢谢分享。Thank u for sharing this update. Hope not marine lives will be affected.
Userjzbp 17/06/2024
So what happen with the oil contaminant sand? “Exported” to a neighboring country where it is dumped somewhere and contaminates the environment? Dumped into a landfill? Out of sight out of mind?
SK KWONG 16/06/2024
Good afternoon and have a hard nice day 🌞下午好😀
Ram's Horn 16/06/2024
So good... All signs pointing to the end of this corrupted government !
Alamak$ reply Ram's Horn 16/06/2024
Seniors are sufferings...CPF monies they cuts into many dirty schemes.....more Karmas....Gods is Great!
Ram's Horn reply Alamak$ 16/06/2024
Till death ..we cannot see our CPF money Now...this Lao Ah Gua is stealing 200 millions to build a temple for his dead father
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Kim Leng Cheng 20/06/2024
Ooooooooo Noooooooooo What’s up & happens Like that all the fish & others Speedy recovery, get well soon & takecare