An NYC Michelin-starred restaurant was vandalized with racist graffiti as attacks against Asian-American workers are on the rise

An NYC Michelin-starred restaurant was vandalized with racist graffiti as attacks against Asian-American workers are on the rise

Business·2020-04-18 05:47


Michelin-starred NYC restaurant Jeju Noodle Bar was vandalized with racist graffiti.


Douglas Kim

NYC Michelin-starred restaurant Jeju Noodle Bar was recently vandalized with racist graffiti.

Someone wrote “Stop eating dogs” on the window of the restaurant’s winter vestibule in black Sharpie.

The incident is just one example of the rising number of racist attacks against Asian-American restaurants in the US amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Insider spoke with Asian-American restaurant workers across the US, who said their employees were too afraid to make deliveries because of racist attacks and a recent incident with white nationalists.


When Douglas Kim first saw the message, he thought it was a scam.

Kim, the owner of NYC Michelin-starred restaurant Jeju Noodle Bar, had received a photo over Instagram from someone who said they were a regular customer.

“Hey, I’m in the neighborhood,” the message read. “I’m sorry, I saw this terrible graffiti.” Kim had to click on the photo to see a clear image. He decided to take the risk.


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