Announcing Sight Tech Global 2021 An event about AI and the future of accessibility for people who are blind or visually impaired

Announcing Sight Tech Global 2021 An event about AI and the future of accessibility for people who are blind or visually impaired

TechCrunch·2021-07-16 12:03

Shortly after the first  Sight Tech Global event, in December last year, Apple and Microsoft announced remarkable new features for mobile phones. Anyone could point the phone camera at a scene and request a “scene description.” In a flash, a cloud-based, computer vision AI determined what was in the scene and a machine-voice read the information. Learning that “a room contains three chairs and a table” might not seem like a big advance for the sighted, but for blind or visually impaired people, the new feature was a notable milestone for accessibility technology: An affordable, portable and nearly universal device could now “see” on behalf of just about anyone.


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