Aqua Teen Hunger Force returns in an all-new series of web shorts, Aqua Donk Side Pieces

Aqua Teen Hunger Force returns in an all-new series of web shorts, Aqua Donk Side Pieces

Polygon·2022-04-20 12:04

More than seven years after winding down Aqua Teen Hunger Force,Adult Swim has brought them back from the dead. On Monday it released the first episode of a brand-new web series featuring Frylock, Master Shake, Meatwad, and their eternally-suffering neighbor Carl.

The series, titled Aquadonk Side Pieces, will include 10 one-shot shorts featuring several classic characters from the original series as they get wrapped up in a slew of non-sequitur misadventures. The first three-minute episode, titled “The Return of Handbanana,” features the gang attempting to save Carl from the clutches of Handbanana, the evil genetically engineered dog/hand hybrid first introduced in the fifth episode of the fourth season of the original series.


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