BP Singapore, OK Lim & family face $313 million lawsuit
The Independent - Singapore·2020-12-15 12:02
Singapore—2020 has been a hard year indeed for one of the country’s biggest oil trading companies, Hin Leong Trading.
In April, owner Lim Oon Kuin, popularly known as OK Lim, filed for bankruptcy, taking to court for protection from his company’s creditors. But at that point, Hin Leong’s troubles were only beginning.
……Read full article on The Independent - Singapore
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Userf7cq 17/12/2020
Pay back time OK!
SILENT TEARS 17/12/2020
He may die in a pile of cash. Unfortunately , cannot transfer to the nether world.
00001 17/12/2020
Forgery also can pass, this is the bank problem
boy1975 16/12/2020
the more rich u are the GREEDIER u will be
One-stop lifestyle app dedicated to making life in Singapore a breeze!
Userev4x 19/12/2020
O K or K O???