Chee Soon Juan Speaks In Teochew And Asks Older Generation To Support SDP
Legit Singapore - Local News·2019-11-22 16:44
In the latest video of Chee Soon Juan speaking in dialects, he implores the older generation to support the SDP instead of the PAP in teochew!
He cites videos of how everything is so expensive in Singapore and yet PAP is still increasing the price of things like water, transport and electricity. Standard of living is indeed high in Singapore. We are of course, not like the ruling class of Singapore. How can we afford these rising costs?
He also brings up our CPF where they return to us minute sums upon retirement and even asks our younger generation to take care of the older ones.
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papi 24/11/2019
l support you Dc.
shengtian 24/11/2019
He can only talk
Daniel Chow 24/11/2019
Hahaha.... water free ha. Seow CSJ. He think elect him he can bring down all the prices meh. Talk cock trying to bluff old people. He say $50 cannot stretch far. A.... hello and so is £50 in UK or US$ 50 in USA or €50 in Europe. Bluff old people. PIAN LOW NAN.
EX14:14 reply Daniel Chow 26/11/2019
You nonsense! You must be a PAP elite who want to bully the poor & middle class or a pap brainwashed supporter!!
Daniel Chow reply EX14:14 28/11/2019
Ex14:14 I m not A PAP elite but a strong supporter all my life. Without them u wldn’t hv a safe n comfortable life in Spore. I m not nonsence but u r by not knowing n accepting tat the world has change or probably u hv not travel widely or has not read or know the economic status of money value of the world tat what $50 can buy u. Time change n progress people must change cannot everything blame Govt. U want cheap n able to stress yr dollar, go n live in the third world. Things maybe much cheaper but u may not get what u desire which are easily available here. Even then people in those countries are complaining things are getting expensive n can’t stretch tell dollar far. So let me remind u 50 yrs ago $50 is big money not now. Live with it n face reality. N at tat time petrol is 40cents a gallon tat is 4.5 litre . Now look at the price. Every thing u want to buy or sell is connected to petrol mkt. The only way thing can go back to old pricing is to bring down oil prices. CAN U OR CAN WE..., IF u can n hv the power to do it then u can criticise. If not just used yr big brain to think it over. Prices of goods whether we can afford does not lies on whether we are middle class, rich or poor. It’s the economic tat of the world tat determine it. Not u n me or the Govt. Life is such we cannot stand still we adapt or we are finish n be left behind while the world move on. Nobody is going to pity n wait for us. If u think I m brainwash then u need to wash yr head n see n face the reality of life, open yr eyes n see the world. 71 yrs old active man like me don’t talk nonsence. Life is a journey live it n enjoy it. Picking n blaming is not going to help u. Work for what u want n be resourseful like what our Govt did. If they hv not u think we hv all the convenients, like water, electricity, MRT, cover walkway, housing exec etc n most of all the safety of Spore. U probably didn’t live through the 50’s n 60’s., to know how lucky u r today. My advise to u is consider yrself very lucky to hv a safe n comfortable life in Spore. Don’t believe me n assume I m talking nonsence. Go n live in the third world or South American countries or even UK n or USA. U think u can walk freely n safe on the street or even yr neighbourhood. Try it my dear fren. Life is not worth even$50 dollars.
EX14:14 reply Daniel Chow 28/11/2019
You say you are 71 years old. But it is very sad when after going through 71 years of life you still don’t know what life is ? You talk about money & economy but at what cost? You talk about PAP and that without PAP we wouldn’t have a safe environment!! Seriously!! That is so subjective when you don’t know the other possibilities! To say that is an insult to all Singaporeans. You are saying the rest of educated people don’t have the ability to run Singapore & only PAP can!! What a total insult to the rest of people... and if so it also shows that this Government has failed to bring about a well-balanced society!! That means we have future generation which will fail if Singapore is not run by PAP??? Wow!! Incredible! BTW, do you know how PAP come into power? You think they were clean? How about LKY? What do you know about him? Do you know he was organising strikes? Do you know how many people he put into prison so he can come into power? Do you know the dirty tricks of PAP? 71 years old & still supporting a party that does cruel things to the citizens! In life it is important to have some principal. That determines the person you are! Justice , Truth, honesty are what you should be looking for and yourself should have. A party that doesn’t have it is not worth our votes!!
EX14:14 reply Daniel Chow 28/11/2019
You say it is safe here in Singapore? But why Everyday you can read about crimes here. Singapore crime rate is 27.7% with population of 5.8 million. Compare it to Japan 15.91% with a population of 126 million. Switzerland 21% with 8.5 million. Or look at Romania population 19 million but crime rate 27.8%. If you look at these countries there population is much bigger than Singapore but crime is same or much less ! So don’t compare!!!
Daniel Chow reply EX14:14 30/11/2019
Let me tell u. I know n I have seen with my own eyes what transpired over the last few decade of Spore. If u think the communist movement is not curtail by LKY. Do u suppose u hv a better life now. U wld be living like NORTH KOREA SOCIETY If the communist come into power. U mentioned crime. Anywhere in the world there is crime. This is something u cannot eridicate u can only
Mr Ma 24/11/2019
Dr Chee supported
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PHUA YAN CHENG 25/11/2019
SDP was well susported during Chiam See Tong's time.CSJ ruined SDP, n CST regreted picking the wrong man to join his party.
Who say CST ruined SDP. It was PAP which ruined SDP and they put the blame on CSJ. And the politically gullible Singaporeans believed every lie of PAP!
I did not say CST ruined SDP, pl read my comment again.
Who say CSJ ruined SDP?