China’s foreign minister Wang Yi removes his tie after seeing Vivian Balakrishnan without one
MustShareNews·2023-08-13 20:00
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Minister for Foreign Affairs Vivian Balakrishnan met Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi on the latter’s visit to Singapore on 10 Aug.
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Userixsd 15/08/2023
He must have been thinking this Vivian dun wear tie to greet, he should not too. Hahaha ...
GORILLA 15/08/2023
this really put Singaporean in a shame, as FM meeting another FM weather location is where formal clothes must be worn to show respect. even if it's a tour round the hosting country you have to at least wear a presentable clothes.
Blund 15/08/2023
哈哈 Viv should quickly wear a tie 🤣🤪
penguin59 15/08/2023
"Am l too formal when you are not, aiya your country very hot just as well, same same but different"
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Guan Sim 17/08/2023
China needs SG to smooch up to US.