Cops Believe Stepmom Killed Boy, Reported Him Missing

Cops Believe Stepmom Killed Boy, Reported Him Missing

Newser - Crime·2020-04-07 12:10

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(Newser) – Colorado Springs woman Letecia Stauch reported her 11-year-old stepson Gannon missing on Jan. 27. Investigators believe she murdered him earlier that day. According to an arrest affidavit seen by People, investigators believe the 36-year-old woman killed the boy in his bedroom. "Evidence recovered from the residence and inside Gannon’s bedroom supports that a violent event occurred in the bedroom which caused bloodshed, including blood spatter on the walls, and enough blood loss to stain his mattress, soak through the carpet, the carpet pad, and stain the concrete below his bed," the affidavit states. Investigators say that before calling 911 to report the boy missing, Stauch contacted her 17-year-old daughter and asked her to buy trash bags, baking soda, and carpet powder.


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