Diy motorcycle parking spaces seen in Woodlands void deck, Town Council investigating
MustShareNews·2020-08-25 16:59
Every motorist would be familiar with the agony of not being able to find a carpark space.
While most of us would simply wait for a lot to be vacated, or seek alternatives elsewhere, a bunch of motorcyclists apparently decided to DIY their own parking spaces.
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Singapore Carpark News
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MayMay 30/08/2020
Tony Tan8490 30/08/2020
Expensive parking lots 😂😂
Userg10z 29/08/2020
His motorcycle needs safe distancing from the rest of the vehicles ...! 😂😂😂
Katherine Tan 29/08/2020
so innovative driver
One-stop lifestyle app dedicated to making life in Singapore a breeze!
hotpot 30/08/2020
Ur grandad 's property? Even it is u need to pay property tax. Don't worry they will send to u. C how long u can park there.