Dragon Ball Super Is Turning Broly Into a Yoga Master

Dragon Ball Super Is Turning Broly Into a Yoga Master

Comic Book·2024-02-22 10:00

In Dragon Ball Z, Broly was one of the most evil villains that Goku and his fellow Z-Fighters had ever encountered. Willing to blow up planets simply to get a rise out of innocent victims, the Legendary Super Saiyan was introduced in the official canon thanks to Dragon Ball Super: Broly. Thanks to a last minute wish, Broly was able to survive his fight against Gogeta, and the former powderkeg is working on a very different aspect of his strength, his composure.

Warning. If you have yet to read the latest chapter of Dragon Ball Super's manga, Chapter 103, be forewarned that we'll be diving into spoiler territory. In Broly's first appearance in the sequel shonen series, his power grew steadily to the point where he was not only able to defeat Goku and Vegeta in one-on-one combat, but stood on equal footage with their fusion. Ultimately, Gogeta was able to score a victory by relying on his Super Saiyan Blue transformation, with the Legendary Super Saiyan escaping to the only world he ever called home. It's unknown whether Broly will aid in the fight against Black Frieza in the future, though it will be interesting to see how he stacks up to the alien despot.


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