E-bike rider rams into young boy near funan, woman hits him in response

E-bike rider rams into young boy near funan, woman hits him in response

MustShareNews·2023-09-28 20:02

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Video Of E-Bike Rider Colliding With Young Boy Near Funan Goes Viral On Facebook

E-bike riders are sometimes known to flout traffic safety rules, subsequently endangering those around them.

Unfortunately, these incidents don’t seem to be stopping anytime soon, with yet another case going viral online.

Footage has emerged of an e-bike rider colliding with a young boy who was crossing the street near Funan.

As a result, a woman who was in the vicinity confronted the rider, even hitting him as well.

E-bike rider collides with boy near Funan

According to the SG Road Vigilante (SGRV) Facebook page, the incident occurred at the junction of Coleman Street and Hill Street near Funan on 19 Sep, 7.30pm.

The video starts with a group of people crossing the street while the pedestrian lights flash with the green man signal.

Source: SGRV on Facebook

At the same time, the traffic lights are red for motorists coming from the left.

Ignoring this, an e-bike rider proceeds ahead on the road anyway, knocking a young child down.

Source: SGRV on Facebook

A woman, who was a few steps ahead of the boy when the incident happened, immediately turns back and confronts the rider, hitting him several times.

Source: SGRV on Facebook

She then gestures furiously at the traffic light signal while another man helps the boy up.

Source: SGRV on Facebook

The video subsequently cuts to the rider leaving the area, the three pedestrians still on the street.

Netizens call rider out for inconsiderate behaviour

Footage of the incident has since gone viral, with over 35,000 views at the time of writing.

A few users urged the pedestrians to file a police report.

Source: Facebook

Others stated that such cases could become even more frequent if those responsible do not receive an appropriate punishment for their actions.

Source: Facebook

Some netizens also said although the cyclist was at fault, the child’s parents should have been guiding him across the street.

Source: Facebook

This would have ensured his safety, possibly preventing the accident from occurring as well.

Regardless, this incident is yet another reminder of the need to be vigilant on the road, especially when there are young children around.

Hopefully, the rider will take this incident as a lesson to be more careful in the future and not simply run red lights.

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Featured image adapted from SGRV on Facebook.

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