Everything You Need to Know About the Giant Fruit That Is Taking Over Instagram

Everything You Need to Know About the Giant Fruit That Is Taking Over Instagram

She Knows-F&B·2019-07-12 00:00

Every now and again something stops us in our tracks as we mindlessly scroll through various celebrity selfies, vacation pics, and #ootd posts on Instagram. More often than not, the picture that causes us to cease our endless scrolling is food-related, and this year a certain round, bumpy, brightly colored fruit caught our eyes: Sumo Citrus.

Sumo Citrus is a type of citrus fruit (sometimes called Sumo Mandarins or Sumo Oranges) that looks like a chubby li’l cousin of the relatively diminutive clementine, a cute bumpy friend of the slightly larger navel orange. In fact, they are a mostly-seedless cross between Satsuma Mandarins and navel oranges, which you might think of as the classic oranges you ate cut into wedges as a kid or buy in bulk to make fresh orange juice on Sunday mornings. Our favorite thing about Sumo Citrus is its unique sweetness — it’s much, much sweeter than oranges and clementines.


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Food & Beverage