Foraged mushrooms and smoked haddock: Why Scotland is an up-and-coming foodie destination
The Straits Times - Lifestyle·2024-12-23 17:00
(Clockwise from top left) Arbroath Smokie pancake, selection of Scottish cheese, Douglas fir cured salmon, and Avon valley roe deer loin. PHOTOS: VISIT ANGUS, VISIT SCOTLAND, WEDGWOOD THE RESTAURANT
UPDATED Dec 23, 2024, 04:00 PM
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SCOTLAND – Mention Scottish food and most people think of haggis – a sausage made from sheep organs, oats and fat, which is not instantly appealing – or the infamous fried Mars bar that originated in the country’s fish-and-chip shops.
And the Scots are well aware of their reputation for stodgy, artery-compromising eats. “We’ll deep-fry your granny if you let us,” a Scottish friend gleefully told me.
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Good morning 早上好. Thank you for sharing this information