From The Confessional: 'I Want An Open Marriage'

From The Confessional: 'I Want An Open Marriage'

Scary Mommy - Pregnancy·2024-04-11 17:03

tell it allllll

From The Confessional: 'I Want An Open Marriage'

17 parents share what’s really on their minds this week

by Emma Coburn

20 hours ago

Emma Chao; Scary Mommy; Getty Images

Submissions to the Scary Mommy Confessional often prove that there are two sides to every coin: What one person longs for in a particular situation might be frustrating or infuriating to someone else. For example, this week, one reader writes that they’re jealous of others who get lots of family help — while another vents that having grandma in the picture isn’t always a piece of cake. Read on for the full roundup, with confessions about in-laws, badly timed work calls, financial woes, and more.

Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, look for our weekly callouts on Instagram. And to browse past Confessions, head here.

I HATE that my husband has had evening calls the last two weeks.

Confessional #41102938

I feel like having a baby aged me horribly and now struggling with my self esteem massively


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