Singapore Uncensored·2024-03-27 19:11

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My partner has this close female friend and they talked about everything, almost everyday and I’m fine with it to be honest.

The problem arise when I found out that the topic they talk about includes seggs. The frequency of them having it and what they do.

I wasnt exactly very comfortable with this topic and raised it up. My partner wasnt happy about it and said it is normal for platonic friends to talk about seggs, and that he is open minded.

I am a very private person and do not like outsiders knowing too much info about myself unless I tell them myself, and this includes my seggs life.

I told my partner that this has nothing to do with being open minded or not but more about how inappropriate it is as both of them are attached and it has made me very uncomfortable and overthink, plus I think it overstepped the platonic friendship boundaries and it’s disrespectful to me.

I mean, once you’re attached, you have to put your partner’s feelings first, innit?

But he just keep harping on the fact that it is normal for platonic friends to talk about their seggs life. It was until I got angry then he told me he will reduce and avoid the topic.

I lost trust the moment he started sharing my private life with outsiders. I’ve mentioned to him multiple times that I hate having outsiders knowing about my private life.

But he retorted that what I am going through affects him and he needs to talk to someone.

Did I mentioned I also found out she knew about my health before I told her myself? And how he used to complained about me to her, like how I was moody, lazy and tired all the time etc? But he supported his action of ‘complaining’ with “but I also complimented you to her”.

I mean what difference does it make??? Talking bad about your partner and then complimenting her?? It was only these few months that I found out PCOS causes fatigue, which explains why I was often tired even when I wasnt doing anything for the whole day.

Now, I am feeling lost, upset, empty and idk what is the next step I should take. I’m overthinking everyday and suspicious of everything. It’s getting very very tiring and I’m on the verge of breaking down.

No troll please, I really want genuine advice. Thank you in advance.