Singapore Uncensored·2024-04-10 19:02

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dealing with this sectionmate who absolutely hates getting arrowed.

once tried to volunteer him for ic as a joke and he got so triggered, he started hurling vulgarities at me. relax ah bro also not asking u go fight war ic only will die meh.

often tries to use his educational background to try to get out of doing stuff. “bro i from xxx only sia idk how do this kinda thing” bruh its not even related to studies or anyt, he just doesnt want to do it. we all know what hes tryna do and it just makes the rest of us feel damn awk and uncomfortable as we nvr meant for it to be discriminatory.

worst thing is that after someone else gets arrowed he starts telling us how and what to do, acting like a know-it-all. just pisses me off. at least follow thru with the acting man.

got called out once for it, eventually admitted that he is just lazy and doesnt want to do it, asking why he should do it. “im only paid $630 a month” we all same rank same pay bro. none of us want to do it either but what makes u so special that u can be exempted from it. this calling out literally had 0 effect on him, still walks around thinking everyone owes him a living and being the most entitled person in the saf

one time we were all called for a job, we were told after finishing it we could all break for lunch. hearing this we all started work immediately. all except for this guy, mf eyepower only. halfway thru the job i heard him go: “eh cb can hurry up not, i damn hungry sia”. i then found out this guy been slacking thruout and replied “bro u not even doing anyt u complain so much for what”. he then proceeded w the usual “i from … only bro idk how to do”. i was getting more pissed and said “ok but everyone here doesnt as well”. he had the balls to ask me why shld he do it as if we were his personal slaves and at that point i had enough of him. gave out a slight chuckle as i cldnt believe what a pathetic waste of life he was being and walked away.

yes i know. you just want to siam arrow, fine by me. just dont be a dick about it.

just wanted to give a quick rant, its been a tough week. this dude is my daily motivation to rso.