I just up and left a job on the first day, quitting via text, and walked away without talking to a manager
FOR CONTEXT: this job had red flag after red flag after red flag. Extremely disorganized, people unattended for 10-20 minutes and leaving, and I was told I wouldn’t be paid because it was a training day, which simply does not happen in any other establishment in that field.
Every time I came to interview and today when I came for training, the managers would be 10-15 minutes late to the meetings that they scheduled.
Then gave me the “nobody wants to work anymore” speech. I wasn’t given direction on how they wanted the business run, I wasn’t given a lead in my position to help me out or show me the ropes, and the managers didn’t even have their office in the building of the business.
They run like 3 other businesses so I know they’re busy, but I still should be paid and at least told what their ideas are. Red flag after red flag.
They literally just stuck me in a spot and said “you’ve got this” and left. I’ve worked this type of job before so it wasn’t difficult, but it’s not even remotely to the standard I’ve worked in the past. It’s not a single-person job.
I’m also extremely non-confrontational so I know if I’d been spoken to, there’s a solid chance I would’ve been strong-armed into staying, so I sent a text to the hiring manager and ran off before getting a response, and deleted the message when I saw a very pissed “you left without saying anything?”
I feel absolutely terrible for not talking to him in person, but what’s done is done so I guess I’ll just never go back there ever again. Do you think this’ll bite me in the ass? I know it’s really shitty.
Edit: I read the text from the hiring manager on my computer, who was very confused and asked who told me I wasn’t gonna be paid. I guess I was supposed to be and was told the wrong thing but it’s still inconsistent information. Less of a red flag than being unpaid but still a red flag nonetheless for wildly conflicting info.
The Franchize 23/01/2025
bitch, you are the red flag 🚩🚩🚩