Ghost followed girl home, Sat on her Father’s bed & watched him sleep

Ghost followed girl home, Sat on her Father’s bed & watched him sleep

Singapore Uncensored·2021-07-24 00:01

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A netizen shared how she was going home one night, at around 2am.

She saw a stray cat outside the carpark and stopped to pet it, before continuing home.

Throughout her walk home, she kept smelling a very strong and pungent poop smell.

She thought that she had stepped on dog poop, so she didn’t think too much about it.

The smell then disappeared after she got into her room.

That next morning, when she woke up – she found out from her father that she had brought something “dirty” back home with her.

Flashback to the previous night; after she reached home, she went to her father’s room to check on him before she returned back to her own room.

Apparently the ghost took a liking to her father and set on his bed all the way until dawn.

Her father said that the ghost sat beside him to watch him sleep until he got up and said some prayers to chase it away.

Images source: and Whatsapp


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