Henry Cavill Goes Full Beast for the MCU in X-Men Fan Art

Henry Cavill Goes Full Beast for the MCU in X-Men Fan Art

Comic Book·2022-10-01 13:04

Marvel Studios has been on a long term winning streak over the past few years, both critically and financially. The studio has been expanding the Marvel Cinematic Universe with the introduction of the Multiverse Saga and they are only just getting started. Since the Disney / FOX merger things have been moving slowly on the X-Men front. We've seen Patrick Stewart return as Professor Charles Xavier, and now we know that Hugh Jackman will return as Wolverinein the upcoming third Deadpool movie. Fans have been wondering if previous actors will return as their favorite X-Men characters or if they'll get recast. Some fans have wanted Henry Cavill to join the MCU in a role that would fit the actor. One artist designed a new concept of how the actor could look like as Beast.


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