His son is now a Harvard professor! Lee Hsien Yang gushes about Li Shengwu's achievement online!
MustShareNews·2024-03-01 16:01
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Li Shengwu, an economist and the son of Lee Hsien Yang, has announced his tenure at Harvard University.
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NG LOO HONG 04/03/2024
really well done but because of relationship with his brother he have to stay in other country
Kingdom 03/03/2024
Only him in SINGAPORE got high IQ?
Yobaebaez 03/03/2024
Anyone else noticed how he only mentioned ‘late father-in-law’ and not ‘late father’? Shows you already which side of the family he has closer relations to and how strained the other side is.
Userisa8 02/03/2024
Since he is now the Professor of Harvard.....will his uncle LHL now have the 'guts' to sue his father LHY??
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Happy Hour 04/03/2024
Congratulations to LHY. Not a word from his uncle LHL. Presumed LHL might find it hard to shallow when his Son is far behind his Cousin achievements.