How the new Sandman audio drama cast Dream, Death, Desire, and Despair

How the new Sandman audio drama cast Dream, Death, Desire, and Despair

Polygon·2020-07-16 04:48

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How do you cast the right voice actor for characters that have become iconic while remaining entirely silent?

Director Dirk Maggs has encountered the question before, over decades of working with author Neil Gaiman on audio adaptations of the books Good Omens, Stardust, Neverwhere, and Anansi Boys. But adapting Gaiman’s comic The Sandman for audio was a particular challenge because the characters are so familiar to fandom. With the audiobook The Sandman (which covers the first 20 of the comic’s 75 issues) due out on July 15, we talked to Maggs about what he was looking for in the voices for his most important and familiar characters, and how the title character — Morpheus, a.k.a. Dream or the Sandman, among other names — could have had virtually any accent, and nearly wound up with a Scottish one.


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