How to Spot an Emotional Vampire, and a 5-Step Process to Defeat One When You Do

How to Spot an Emotional Vampire, and a 5-Step Process to Defeat One When You Do

Inc. SE Asia·2022-08-27 15:04

In scary movies there are always clear, if bizarre, ways to spot a vampire. No reflection, hates garlic, terrified of light, keeps a coffin in the house? Then run away. But how do you spot the type of vampire that feeds not on blood but on energy?  

We've all encountered this type of emotional vampires in our lives. They're the colleague that can't stop talking about themselves, the acquaintance who always leaves you exhausted after even a short meeting, or that guy at the next desk over who draws you into hour-long bitch-fests about every little annoyance in the office. They love the drama, but you just lose valuable time (and energy) you could put into making your company more successful.


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