How to identify various bug bites: The different ways your skin reacts to mosquitos, fleas, bedbugs and more

How to identify various bug bites: The different ways your skin reacts to mosquitos, fleas, bedbugs and more

Buro 24/7 Singapore·2021-06-27 17:01

The sensation is all too familiar: You feel an itch, peer down and find nasty red bumps swelling on your skin. They ache, burn, or sometimes both — but you have no clue as to what insect could've been the culprit. A shame, really, because this means you can't even put a name to the offending critter responsible for your discomfort. Most bug bites look kinda similar, which is why it might be difficult to tell which insect got you unless you actually catch it in the act. Though most cause nothing more than a mild itch, some bites can be life-threatening if you have severe allergies. So, it can be helpful to know what the different types of bites are and steer clear of those pesky bugs. After all, prevention is the best way to stay safe. Lucky for you, it is possible to identify bites by observing the surrounding area on your skin (and places you've visited). Here are some common clues to look out for, plus how to relieve the pain.


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