Hundreds of shoppers throng Chinatown Complex wet market ahead of Chinese New Year
The Straits Times - Singapore·2021-02-02 20:01
SINGAPORE - Hundreds of shoppers were seen inside the wet market that is situated on the basement of the Chinatown Complex on Tuesday morning (Feb 2).
They were hoping to stock up on seafood and ingredients for steamboat dishes ahead of Chinese New Year reunion dinners next week.
……Read full article on The Straits Times - Singapore
Singapore Market Chinatown
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Alice tanhai ping 04/02/2021
mindfulness 03/02/2021
every day I see hundreds of commuters pack into trains and buses. if the transport minister are not worried why worried about this instance.
Good luck 0716 03/02/2021
As we know social distancing is important to protect one fm being infected. But sometime when one was in rush and so eager to get what they want to buy., they tend to forget the behaviour.
Rose Ng 03/02/2021
Hundreds of shoppers through Chinatown complex wet market ahead of Chinese New Year
One-stop lifestyle app dedicated to making life in Singapore a breeze!
Jean Lim 05/02/2021
大家要保重。Please remember to keep safe-distancing and take care.