Singapore Uncensored·2024-03-27 19:11

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I’m working as an Executive at a local firm and report to my manager.

My manager reports to the Director, but from time to time I work directly with the Director as well.

In recent times, I booked some time with my Director to catch up on work, as I previously shared with the Director the challenges I faced at work, and thought it’ll be a good time to give a progress update. My Director has more than two decades in the firm as well, compared to my manager who joined three years ago.

But for some reason, I think my manager found out by checking my calendar. I believe he has access. My manager recently made sarcastic comments about how I “report” to my Director virtually (I think he saw my online calendar) and has been extra unfriendly to me since – this includes ignoring me when I greet him good morning on virtual meetings.

I really don’t understand what my manager has to be so upset about – if I’m having a simple catch up session with my Director, I don’t think I deserve any form of rudeness from my manager.

Any advice? This has been getting to me and giving me stress.

Here are what netizens think:

Local or SME with a insecure manager? In MNC and GMNC employee sometimes have 1 on 1 with both managers and directors, just do your part continue to be polite and respectful to your this manager. This kind of manager won’t get very far, most prob he scare you replace him but with his attitude I won’t be surprise

You manager felt insecure when you met his boss. Naturally, he get angry. Will you get angry if you his shoes?

I think most of the people working have been in this situation. Next time includes your manager in the meeting. If the manager chooses not to attend, then you are not to blame. And send a summary email to your director for the meeting content and keep the manager in the loop. So it will not seem like breaking the chain of command. I know this is reluctant, and use this method to safeguard yourself and be professional in work. You also can use those evidence when the manager gives you an inappropriate performance grade. One stone kills a lot of birds.