J.R. Smith Recalled The Best Trash Talk Michael Jordan Gave Him On The Golf Course

J.R. Smith Recalled The Best Trash Talk Michael Jordan Gave Him On The Golf Course

Uproxx - News·2022-09-05 07:03

J.R. Smith played 16 seasons in the NBA, winning two championships alongside LeBron James in Cleveland and Los Angeles after carving out a role later in his career as a trusted veteran shooter.

There are plenty of current and former NBA players who would happily trade careers with Smith, and it’s safe to say he had a good career on the hardwood. Now, Smith is pursuing a second athletic career as a golfer, playing college golf at North Carolina A&T and becoming one of the faces of the push to make golf more inclusive and diverse. While Smith has gotten the chance to play golf with all manner of stars since his retirement from basketball, there’s no one that’s quite made him feel as excited as when he got to tee it up with Michael Jordan.


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