Kamala Harris Would Have Been The Dream Stepmom For My Kids

Kamala Harris Would Have Been The Dream Stepmom For My Kids

Scary Mommy - News·2024-07-26 17:00

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Kamala Harris Would Have Been The Dream Stepmom For My Kids

Imagine how much better single motherhood would have been with Momala in your corner?

by Jen McGuire

18 hours ago

Scott Olson/Getty Images News/Getty Images

What I wouldn’t have given to have Kamala Harris as my kids’ stepmom, my own partner in raising my four boys when I was a single mom. What a difference it would have made in my life if my ex-husband had married someone like her, and we’d all had a Momala of our very own.

I was on my own with my boys when they were oh-so-very little, just 2, 3, 7, and 9 years old. My ex-husband met a new woman and yes, it was sad and difficult and weird in the beginning. I might even go out on a limb to say it always feels sad and difficult and weird when one version of your family ends and another begins. I couldn’t watch the movie Stepmom without sinking into a deep depression. What if I died? What if she became their mom? What if she knew all the words to their favorite songs and I just knew the words to mine? It scared me a lot, at first.

But then I started to think about how things might get a little easier if we could somehow sort of band together, me and her. Maybe she would really love my kids and they would love her. Maybe she could become a sort of friend? (That was one of the things I missed most after my divorce: Talking to someone who thought my kids were brave and sweet and funny.) It was still so complicated with their dad, but maybe it wouldn’t be complicated with her.


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