Singapore Uncensored·2024-04-08 12:04

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Write a story in first person view of at least 300 words:MAN SAY ROAD TO SUCESS IS BY BOOTLICKING ALL THE SALTY BALLS I never believed in the saying “the road to success is by bootlicking all the salty balls.” It sounded disgusting and unethical to me. But as I grew older, I realized that sometimes to get ahead in life, you have to do things that are out of your comfort zone.

It all started when I got my first job at a corporate firm. I was a fresh graduate, full of dreams and aspirations. I had worked hard in college and believed that my hard work would pay off. But little did I know that the corporate world was a completely different ball game.

My boss, Mr. Smith, was a man who believed in this saying wholeheartedly. He would often tell me, “if you want to climb the ladder of success, you have to learn to lick the boots of those above you.” I was disgusted by his words, but I didn’t want to lose my job, so I kept my thoughts to myself.

As the days went by, I noticed that those who were close to our boss were the ones getting promotions and salary increments. It didn’t matter how hard I worked or how much effort I put into my work, I was always overlooked. It was frustrating, but I didn’t know what else to do.

One day, I mustered up the courage to ask my boss for a promotion. He looked at me with a smirk and said, “you need to learn how to play the game, my dear. You can’t just rely on your skills and hard work.” I was taken aback by his words, but I knew what he meant. He wanted me to be one of those bootlickers.

Reluctantly, I started observing my colleagues who were close to our boss. I noticed that they would always agree with everything he said, even if it was wrong. They would laugh at his jokes, even if they weren’t funny. And most importantly, they would do anything he asked, no matter how unethical or immoral it was.

I knew I had to make a choice. Either I could continue working hard and hope for a promotion someday, or I could start licking the boots of my boss and get ahead in my career. I chose the latter.

I started agreeing with everything my boss said, even if it went against my beliefs. I laughed at his jokes and even started doing his personal errands. And slowly but surely, I started seeing the results. I got a promotion, a raise, and even a corner office.

But with success came a heavy price. I had to sacrifice my integrity and self-respect. I had to constantly lie and manipulate my colleagues to please my boss. And worst of all, I had to live with the guilt of knowing that I got ahead by being a bootlicker.

In the end, I realized that the road to success by bootlicking all the salty balls was not worth it. I may have achieved success, but at what cost? I lost a part of myself in the process, and that’s something I can never get back. From that day on, I promised myself to never compromise my values and beliefs for success. Because true success comes from within, not from licking the boots of others.
