MP tin pei ling defends volunteer accused of shaming residents, says she served sincerely
MustShareNews·2020-12-05 16:00
In Singapore, MPs often work closely with volunteers in various events like meet-The-People sessions (MPS) and their routine walkabout.
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KL2000 09/12/2020
some volunteers think they are government officials and think a while lot about themselves. not knowing they are just like the rest of happens
暗哥亨lucky-) 08/12/2020
官字两个口 - 必赢
Alice Chua3853 08/12/2020
Some volunteers are not sincere to help as I got face one problem in getting the token at Fuchun CC, the volunteer seem to very rudely talking to us when we ask about going in to queue for in. They seem no happy working there volunteers so show face on us.
Userfblc 08/12/2020
Close or not .. It's the MP issue/his responsibility. Some MPs are wise/proactive with their selected few. Still, it's an MP/party issue.
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Good luck 0716 10/12/2020
We know volunteer is person who voluntarily undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service.