Machine Gun Kelly Did an Evil Eye Manicure in Lilly Pulitzer Pink and Green

Machine Gun Kelly Did an Evil Eye Manicure in Lilly Pulitzer Pink and Green

Allure·2022-04-29 06:01

By now, you've probably noticed that Machine Gun Kelly is a fan of manicures. A fanicure, if you will. He'd been showing up on red carpets wearing some serious nail art long before he launched his own nail polish brand, UN/DN LAQR. In fact, if you rearrange the letters in Machine Gun Kelly, you get "me chunky gel nail," which doesn't make much sense yet still feels kinda relevant. But despite having come to fully expect major manicure moments from the recording artist, we find we can still be surprised, delighted, and a little bit freaked out by the fine art on his fingertips.


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