Netflix and Zack Snyder’s sci-fi epic already looks full of lore and action

Netflix and Zack Snyder’s sci-fi epic already looks full of lore and action

Polygon·2023-08-23 12:06

Zack Snyder’s sci-fi epic Rebel Moon got its biggest trailer ever at Gamescom 2023. The trailer debuted during the show’s Opening Night Live presentation, during which Snyder was on-hand to show off the footage, and unveil the movie’s tie-in game. Part one of Rebel Moon is set for release on Dec. 22.

The trailer is a much bigger and more expansive look at the universe of Rebel Moon than the public has seen before, though journalists got a sneak preview of the project in mid-August. The trailer gives us a better idea of the films’ story. Sir Anthony Hopkins shows up as the voice of a robot to let us know that the world wasn’t always like this, and that kings are human so they can fail, which all sounds like it’s leading up to a rebellion. Even more exciting than the plot itself however, is just how gorgeous the movie looks. Massive space battles, four-armed giants, flying griffin-like creatures, a giant spider lady, and almost-lightsabers all show up in this trailer, and they all look fantastic.


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