Olivia Wilde, Charli XCX and average NYers reveal controversial opinions while riding subway

Olivia Wilde, Charli XCX and average NYers reveal controversial opinions while riding subway

New York Post·2024-04-18 08:02

They’re railing against what irks them.

On his popular Instagram and TikTok series “Subway Takes,” comedian Kareem Rahma has notable New Yorkers, friends and acquaintances sound off on various random topics while riding the subway.

“I love New York, and the setting makes the show uniquely New York,” Rahma, a 37-year-old Bedford-Stuyvesant resident, told The Post. “I think the atmosphere of the subway makes people more aggressive in their beliefs.”

6 Rahma has had notable New Yorkers, friends and acquaintances sound off on various random topics while riding the subway. Stefano Giovannini

Rahma, who previously worked as a producer at Vice and The New York Times, started the series in March of 2023, and it quickly left the station.

“It literally took off immediately,” he said. “Everyone is on their phones while riding — and this show is a way to engage again.”

He’s released more than 100 episodes, which are typically just a minute or two long, and @SubwayTakes has garnered 144,000 followers on Instagram and 307,000 followers on TikTok.

6 Charli XCX shared a surprising take. @subwaytakes/TikTok


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