Oughta Get a Nod: We Own This City and its dynamic star Jon Bernthal

Oughta Get a Nod: We Own This City and its dynamic star Jon Bernthal

Entertainment Weekly-TV·2022-06-28 04:00

The last time David Simon won an Emmy, his competition was Christ. In 2000, HBO's searing The Corner defeated CBS' Jesus for Outstanding Miniseries. Simon spent the next two decades delivering one magnificent national indictment after another, from the epic metropolitan flail of The Wire through Treme and The Deuce. A key collaborator on all those works was novelist George Pelecanos, who co-created The Deuce and wrote on every season of The Wire. The TV Academy threw occasional bones to their work — a writing nod here, a Sound Mixing prize there — but it is past time to recognize the boldness and texture of their kind of television.


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