PSLE Information For Parents: What Happens If You Fail PSLE?
Mums and dads always stay on the lookout for new PSLE information for parents. This especially applies to the period when PSLE commences annually. Many students and parents speak of the PSLE as a very stressful event. Students get burnt out with extra classes in school and tuition classes outside of school. The stress goes extra when you think of the question, “what happens if you fail PSLE?”.
Some parents go to the extent of taking a few months of unpaid leave from work to help prepare their children for the examination. However, all students and parents need to recognise PSLE as a checkpoint, not an endpoint.
This annual examination gauges the learning progress and academic aptitude of students. To help parents, we compiled PSLE information for their little ones.
With this, they can easily decide how to progress after receiving their PSLE score and other results.
The PSLE score is important to your child, as it determines whether your child can move on to Secondary School.
After receiving the PSLE score, here’s what happens if you fail PSLE: First, your kid needs to retake the PSLE a year later or to advance to a vocational school.
Updates on PSLE information for parents always include the stress that affects mums, dads, and kids. This serves as an essential part that reminds parents about the anxiety of students who need to take the exams.
As parents, we need to mind the different levels of stress that our kids go through when preparing for PSLE. By doing this, you can monitor the breaks and breathers that your children need in between study times.
Those who take a break from work often suffer the same stress as their kids. This happens because their time solely revolves around managing your child’s PSLE preparation.
Whether they choose to get off work or not, parents need to maintain a balance between studying and breaks. Our kids especially need this to avoid suffering from extreme stress when PSLE commences.
Support your child through the results and beyond. | Image source: iStock
Most parents base their children’s studies on the old PSLE scoring system. Back then, students who pass the PSLE had 3 options:
Choose a school that offers the ‘O’ Levels (a 4-year structured programme)
Select a school that offers the Integrated Programme (a 6-year programme up to the ‘A’ Levels, offering more choices in the syllabus),
Pick a school that offers the International Baccalaureate (a 6-year programme up to a Diploma certification, with more project work in the syllabus).
The Ministry of Education calls the new PSLE scoring system as Achievement Levels (ALs). It replaced the PSLE T-score with a revised scoring band.
Since its 2021 release, the new PSLE scoring system uses 8 ALs to determine the PSLE score. For each subject, students with equal results will be assigned to the same AL.
The table below shows the mark range equivalent to each AL:
PSLE Achievement Levels Score Equivalent
1 ≥ 90
2 85 – 89
3 80 – 84
4 75 – 79
5 65 – 74
6 45 – 64
7 20 – 44
8 < 20
A total of 4 subjects determine your child’s PSLE score. Additionally, MOE offers to help parents and students understand the meaning of their highest PSLE score with their online calculator.
Most students often dread the different PSLE composition topics of their exams. The themes featured make or break your child’s PSLE results goal.
The Primary 6 PSLE composition topics focus on human values. The themes challenge your children into assessing the things they consider important in their lives.
To help them prepare, we listed the top 10 PSLE composition topics that appear for Primary 6 tests:
Lessons about self-control and discipline
Being cautious with decision-making to avoid misunderstandings or mistakes
Brave or courageous acts
Determination amid challenges
Acts of kindness or compassion in making new friends
Taking accountability and responsibility for important tasks
Facing difficult decisions that challenge their integrity or keeping a secret
Initiating a good relationship with their neighbours
Cooperating in a team
Expressing gratitude or gratefulness
After learning about the PSLE composition topics, you then need to prepare your children with the 2 types of titles; direct and indirect titles that depict some of the mentioned themes.
Image Source: iStock
For direct PSLE composition topics, the section focuses on a scenario of a certain theme. They always feature the main words associated with one of the themes we listed.
Meanwhile, indirect titles aim to confuse students. The title or question posed does not apply to the main word they used. Some of them could revolve around prudence yet test them to maintain integrity.
On the other hand, when practising for PSLE English or Foreign Languages, you can apply the composition themes. With this, you challenge and assess your child’s mastery of the language.
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While gathering PSLE information for parents, we encourage them to support their children no matter what. Failing to match with those who received the highest PSLE score takes a toll on their mental health.
Parents need to be mindful that the PSLE causes a lot of stress on their children. They should also refrain from putting their expectations on their child.
Additionally, help motivate your child while they prepare for the PSLE. Encourage them to commit to achieving a realistic PSLE score as they study.
Meanwhile, we discourage parents from expecting their children in achieving the PSLE Achievement Levels (ALs) you set out. The immense stress sometimes causes students to ultimately fail their PSLE goal.
Because of this, parents need to remain calm and help their kids get through the devastation of their PSLE results. Don’t get angry or express any form of disappointment.
Negative words, tone or usage of words, can damage the child’s self-esteem and effectively demoralize them from their desire to study hard and score well.
In such situations, it is recommended that parents take a breather from their children to balance their emotions and remind themselves that their role is to be a cheerleader in their child’s life, not a critic.
For students who set an expectation for their PSLE score and unfortunately obtain a lower than expected score, it is in the parents’ position to be supportive and encouraging.
Praise your child fairly for the effort in preparing for the examinations and non-academic talents that your child possesses.
Image source: iStock
Determining the factors for consideration when it comes to selecting your child’s secondary school. Parents should guide their children in their evaluation of preferred secondary school choices.
Remember not to let your child give in to peer pressure. Instead, encourage them to register at a school that specialises in the hobbies and topics they like.
Additionally, parents need to lay down the disadvantages of making such a decision. The main factors that parents and students should consider include the school’s values and motto.
Moreover, you need to calculate the travelling time needed between home and school. Parents also need to know about the support system and resources offered to students.
Decision-making helps to grow a child in doing research and bearing the consequences of the decision made.
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