PSLE maths paper allegedly causes students stress, seab says questions cater to different abilities
MustShareNews·2021-10-02 16:01
The Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) is a major milestone for many students in Singapore.
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Lily ong 04/10/2021
While it’s normal for stress levels surrounding it to be high, they seemed to be particularly intense yesterday (1 Oct) after the end of the PSLE Maths paper
mindfulness 02/10/2021
aiya cannot make it go india buy fake certificate lor
most elitest Elite 02/10/2021
Brian Patrick 02/10/2021
well there are 39000 students sitting PSLE and there are only maybe only 1500 places for students wishing to study in the lousy school...Mr illiterate school and the generals school...throw in Tai tai school...female lousy where you can be axed...maybe 4000 plus places for the elite. So die die the paper set must only allowed less than 4000 out of 39000 student can get AL1 ( above 90 marks) question set sheep and mr. plan also cannot answer now...
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Adrian 06/10/2021
SEAB's kind of answer is those standard template kind isn't it? Got parents, students complaining questions hard? Oh wait ah, let me go to my that folder and copy and paste my template answer. No need think at all, no stress..