Passengers removed from SIA flight after ‘verbally and physically’ abusing cabin crew
The Straits Times - Singapore·2025-02-06 19:00
As a result of the Feb 6 incident, flight SQ826 was delayed by 1 hour and 46 min. ST PHOTO: LIM YAOHUI
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Singapore Misbehaviour Airline
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Don Quan 10/02/2025
it is indeed very silly and immature to behave as such for the outcome is never pretty [TIRED]
kktk 10/02/2025
and hope that the unruly passenger knows the consequences for being such a nuisance to others
Userlnnr 08/02/2025
That’s good job! Well done. Hopefully she gets the deserved penalty by our LAW here. At the same time, our gov should be cautious in permitting VISA free to these “Chinanese”.
ABenC 07/02/2025
ya, she deserves to be removed from the plane, who she thinks she was, only looking for trouble, wasting other people's times, sigh.......自找嘛烦。
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SK KWONG 11/02/2025
下午好🌞good afternoon and have a nice day 😎😊