Post Office Horizon scandal: Woman falsely accused of stealing £30k died alone in hostel
The Mirror - UK News·2024-01-19 01:01
Fiona McGowan was 47 when she died alone in a homeless hostel - having lost her job, children and health due to the Post Office Horizon Scandal, her family have said
A postmistress who was falsely accused of stealing £30,000 died penniless and alone in a homeless hostel after losing her family, home and job. Fiona McGowan, who was 47 at the time of her death, was convinced she was going to prison and carried the weight of her false accusation with her until she passed.
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chickenfeet 19/01/2024
Many people put their foremost trust on machines and made these their ultimate finale because they said Man always make mistakes but machines will not. This story tells us not to make absurd assumptions because this could make many innocent people become sorrowful scapegoats by convenience. A happy family had been torn apart for 2 decades after their own community formed a stigma against them because of crimes that this targeted woman had never committed. All because of a faulty PO system.