Rising director Karthik is making waves and his film 'C4Cinta' is breaking new grounds for local Tamil movie after a RM2.5mil box office haul
The Star Online - Lifestyle·2025-01-08 21:00
YOUNG and energetic director Karthik Shamalan has impressed many local fans with some thought provoking dramas and certainly has etched a name in the local scene with the hit movie 'C4Cinta'.
The locally made and produced movie, has set a new benchmark in Malaysian Tamil cinema, grossing RM2.5 million since it was launched in November in Malaysia and Singapore, making it the highest-grossing Tamil movie in Malaysia.
The film, co-produced by SCIFILM and AVLT Production and distributed by Poketplay Films, has captivated audiences with its fresh narrative and heartfelt exploration of love and relationships.
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