SLA Explains Why They Spent Over $1 Million to Refurbish Ministers’ Ridout Road Colonial Houses
Goody Feed Singapore·2023-06-30 18:04
Even if you’ve been living under a rock, you’re probably aware of how two ministers in Singapore recently came under fire.
Not because of how hot it’s gotten in Singapore, but rather due to the amount of money involved in the renting of their bungalows.
……Read full article on Goody Feed Singapore
Singapore Property Government Lifestyle
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Tan K M 05/07/2023
Alice tanhai ping 05/07/2023
早安啊 goodmorning
Userg0zx 04/07/2023
Rundown bungalows should be demolished why spend so much to renovate? Assholes must think citizens are stupid. Instead demolish a well kept Turf club which has been historic. I guess they like to be reminded of our colonisation …
Userg0zx 04/07/2023
Only for the elite crooks and ang mo, you don’t see regular Singaporeans staying there …
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User0684 05/07/2023
These strategies of building and demolition and maintaining of unnecessary properties is generating income for some people. With 589 such properties, recurring expenses for the property agents , contractors etc boost the economy in a way. We know that the Turf Club was shifted from Bukit Timah to Kranji. Now, it is going to be demolished just in 1999 at a cost of some $500 million. The old Turf at Bukit Timah is still around. Could we have just let Bukit Timah stayed put?