Second Chances: Life After Crime & Prison In Singapore | Gen Z Decodes S3 EP1

Second Chances: Life After Crime & Prison In Singapore | Gen Z Decodes S3 EP1

HeyKaki 嘿卡奇·2025-02-06 20:01

Disclaimer: This video contains explicit content that may be distressing to some viewers.How accepting is our society towards ex-offenders? Would you give them a second chance? What challenges do they face in Singapore today? In this premiere episode of Gen Z Decodes Season 3 with host Xi Ying, follow the stories of Luke, Jie Ying, and Delonix as they openly share their past offenses, pivotal turning points, and how they have changed since.Watch as Delonix reveals his experience of being detained for gang violence and his crucial realization about actions and consequences. Discover Jie Ying's journey through eight criminal cases, and the unwavering support of her sister who kept every promise she made. Last but not least, follow Luke's raw account of how he came into contact with drugs followed by multiple relapses, and the inspiring story of how he finally turned his life around.Need help? Reach out to:Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) Hotline: 1800-221-4444National Addictions Management Service Mental Health Helpline: 63892222Yellow Ribbon (Ex-Offenders Seeking Employment Assistance): 65131537声明:本视频包含敏感内容与话题,可能会令观众感到不适。新加坡社会能接受有前科的人吗?你会给他们第二次机会吗?他们在新加坡面临什么挑战?在《Gen Z解码》第三季的首集中,由嘿卡奇主持人汐莹带领彦衡 、洁盈和伟杰分享他们的故事,包括他们以前犯过的错误、人生转折点,以及带着犯罪记录找工作的经历。聆听伟杰描述他因参与私会党的斗殴而被拘留的经历,以及他何如领悟到自己行为所造成的后果。了解洁盈经历八宗刑事案件的经历,以及她姐姐如何给予她坚定的支持。最后,听听彦衡分享他如何接触毒品并多次复吸后,最终重获新生的励志故事。需要帮助?请联系:新加坡援人协会(SOS)热线:1800-221-4444国立瘾疾治疗服务热线:63892222黄丝带计划(为求职前科人士提供援助热线):65131537Chapters:0:31 Is Singapore accepting of past offenders?0:58 How Luke came in contact with drugs1:38 How Delonix joined a gang 2:04 How Jie Ying had multiple cases + came into contact with drugs + her arrest3:33 How Luke got arrested in the army for drugs4:42 Was his mum upset when he was arrested?5:20 How Delonix got arrested + getting kicked out of school6:18 Luke's multiple relapses + his turning point7:20 Luke's regret from his friend's passing8:42 Jie Ying's turning point10:08 Delonix's turning point11:02 Did they face any difficulties in finding a job + street interview with the older gen12:48 Getting a job through Yellow Ribbon project13:59 Disclosing their background on social media + Are they scared of discrimination15:54 What's their biggest takeaway?Credits:Featuring 嘉宾: 张汐莹 曾彦衡 魏洁盈 陈伟杰 Producers 编导: 林诗慧 林洁慈 Crew: Cuble Productions 美术:卓佳仪 Video Editor: Cuble ProductionsSubtitles: 林青羽如果你喜欢我们的视频,欢迎订阅,点赞和分享:👉欢迎追踪我们的其他社交平台 👉 👉如果你要联系我们:👉 #storytime #talkshow #genz #prison

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